eNET – Telekom: More than one fourth of the Hungarian population are already smartphone users
17. 05. 2013.
At the end of the last year, 29% of the adult Hungarian population had smartphones. The 2.4 million smartphones are owned mainly by young people, males, the more educated and people living in Budapest. Among users, 60% use the Internet, while somewhat less send emails and visit social sites on their phones – according to the survey of e-NET-Telekom’s Report on the Internet Economy.
The main smartphone users are the young, male and the more educated people
In Hungary, at the end of the last year, 6.8 million traditional mobile phones and 2.4 million smartphones were used. However, the amount of the devices show only the number of phones which generated data traffic, and it does not provide information about the number of phones used by one person. The data of the population survey are needed for this.
At the end of December 2012, 29% of the adult Hungarian population had smartphones. Among males, young people, the more educated and people living in the capital and county towns, smartphone usage is above the average. The application downloads show that they are more intensive mobile users as well.

An interesting finding is that more than 60% of smartphone users use the Internet on their phones. That is, one third of the smartphone owners do not profit yet from one of the most important capabilities of their phones, they use neither mobile Internet service, nor Wifi. While, at the same time, 70% of the educated young male smartphone owners living in the capital use mobile Internet.

53% of users read emails on their smartphones. While, among members of the most active group, users living in Budapest, 72% use their phones to email.

Visiting social sites is almost as popular as emailing, 45% of smartphone users visit such pages regularly on their phones. And what’s more, a higher proportion of people living in smaller settlements and villages visit social sites than use email. Facebook is visited by somewhat more than 1.2 million users on their smartphone as well in Hungary.

The Multi-SIM market: serving more mobile devices with a single subscription
Portable smart devices come out with the most various size touch screen displays. The names of the different cathegories born mainly because of the marketing messages, based on the size of the display. The functions of the devices became almost unlimited thanks to the applications. The users got used to provide Internet access for the mobile devices through WiFi or by mobile internet subscription. Though, in the case of the latter, the SIM card can be inserted into one device at a time, it does not have to be so.
Such mobile phones have existed for a long time – and they are really popular in India and Russia – in which two SIM cards can be inserted at the same time. As opposed to this, the Multi-SIM service builds on the possibility of serving more mobile devices at the same time – for instance a smartphone and a tablet – with one subscription, concerning either telephoning or mobile Internet. The data on the mobile Internet subscriptions show that almost 40% of the users use their present subscription on more kinds of devices.

Services serving more devices are available in a great many countries of the world. First, in Spain, the Movistar offered an „iPad for iPhone” package from 2010, and such offers came out in Hungary as well from the year 2013.
eNET – Telekom
The survey was made by eNET in February 2013, among the more than 15-year old mobile phone user population, on a representative sample (by gender, age, education, type of settlement) of 1000 people, with the help of CATI method (computer assisted telephone interviews). For the purpose of the analysis we used a joint weighting for the gender, age, education, type of settlement criteria. Results refer to self-owned devices and subscriptions, company-owned devices and subscriptions are not included.