More and more attention is paid to drones at Hungarian professional conferences and events

31. 03. 2022.


Recently, the eNET UAS / UTM specialist team has attended several conferences where drones have been given a prominent role. These events provided a great forum for theme-specific discourses and deepening relationships within the industry. The article below highlights some interesting news about the “drone events” of the recent period, including the Infotér and the Drone Conference. We excitedly look forward to more events in 2022, where drones will once again receive a lot of attention.





Without any surprise, the third edition of the Drone Conference was organized by HungaroControl, where a great number of domestic and international drone market participants, including companies dealing with UA detection, operation and UTM systems, lined up among exhibitors and performers, including the employees of eNET, who also took part in the event in the autumn of 2021.


Focal point in the program: a performance by the UTM of Poland


The presentation by the UTM (drone traffic management) of Poland put drone regulation in a whole new dimension: their system, apart from one airspace structure, made registration, notification, insurance, and the almost instantaneous flight demand available online.


The interface provides several options for performing and documenting a flight operation:


  • Selection of a manual airspace structure on an online map interface (in case of drones without transmitter)
  • Possibility to use ADSB-in / out transmitter, possibility to use FLARM authentication, possibility to integrate LTE / 5G based positioning
  • Assign dynamic, immediate airspace demand
  • Use of fully electronic and machine overlap control systems as part of the UTM

Another outstanding event of the conference:  the Hungarian drone with a hydrogen fuel cell


The Hungarian Goldi Mobility was one of the first in the world to present its self-developed hydrogen fuel cell drone. The drone is able to fly for up to 253 minutes (this is supplied by a 12-liter tank with a pressure of 300-350 bar), while those with a conventional battery can stay in the air for an average of 35-40 minutes. Currently, filling the tank and water icing are the biggest challenges, thus these require further development.


ZALA ZONE INNOVATION DAY – continuation of the Drone Conference and career tour


The Drone Conference “continued” in Zalaegerszeg, on the Zala ZONE test track, where eNET was represented by Benjamin Holló, a UTM / UAS specialist consultant colleague. The event brought to the fore the results and latest trends in autonomous transport, drone research and development. In addition to the professional conference, the organizers spiced up the event with an indoor and outdoor demonstration of self-driving aircraft and ground vehicles. Several presentations were held that touched upon innovations of indoor drone, VR and automotive developments. Moreover, there was an opportunity to try out the devices.


The highlight of the program was the outdoor demonstration organized on the dynamic surface of the Zala ZONE test track, in which the researchers of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and CollMot Robotics Kft. presented the drifting and cooperation of an autonomous car and a drone swarm. In addition, an algorithm simulating the cooperation and autonomous conduction of about 50 drones has been demonstrated.

There were several developmental and technological demonstrations at the event:


  • 5G based vehicle and drone control with in-shoe sensors and controls
  • Self-driving of a motor vehicle, in which the environment has been imaged with the help of a LIDAR placed on the drone as the “eye” of the vehicle
  • Presentation of autonomous track maintenance systems and autonomous buoy positioning systems
  • Viewing of FPV drone racing and live broadcast systems

A Zala ZONE jövője


2023-tól a legmodernebbnek számító Lynx harcjárművek a pálya közvetlen közelében fognak készülni, az összeszerelő üzem és a csarnok váza már készen van. Saját tesztkörnyezetet is kialakítottak már ehhez, ami ráadásul a mezőgazdasági járművek vizsgálatára is alkalmas. Emellett a közeljövőben kifejezetten fontos szerepet kap a Zala ZONE életében a drónokkal együttműködő rendszerek fejlesztése és tesztelése.


INFOTÉR in Balatonfüred


2021 októberében már tizenkettedik alkalommal rendezték meg az Infotér Konferenciát Balatonfüreden. A rendezvény egyik eseménye az intelligens közlekedési rendszerek témakörében szervezett panelbeszélgetés volt, amelyen Holló Benjamin tanácsadó kollégánk is részt vett. A szakmai beszélgetésen a smart city témáját is érintették, a fogalom tisztázásáról, a névhasználat lehetőség szerinti mellőzéséről és az autonóm közlekedési rendszerek fejlettségi szintjeiről, kihívásairól volt szó. A résztvevők között egyetértés volt abban, hogy a földön és a levegőben egyaránt algoritmikus megoldásokkal lehet hatékonnyá tenni és biztosítani a közlekedést. A földön a legnagyobb kihívást a túlzott járműforgalom, az azok által generált és közlekedési rendszerek által felhalmozott adatmennyiség feldolgozása, valamint a forgalmi szituációk megoldása jelenti. A levegőben ezzel szemben az adatmennyiség hiánya és a forgalomirányítás „vaksága” okoz gondot.


A teljes önvezetés, az önvezető légijárművek térnyerése még legalább 5-10 évnyi távolságra vannak, ennek többek között a jogi aggályok és az informatikai megoldások kezdetlegességei állják útját, de az adatfeldolgozás és az UTM rendszerek fejlesztése lehetővé fogja tenni a hatékony forgalmat már korábban is. Ezeknek a jövőbeni megoldásoknak azonban tesztkörnyezetre és valós városi légiforgalmi szimulációs lehetőségre van szükségük.  




Drones emerged as an almost recurring theme at the event in November, primarily due to the construction of the UTM ecosystem. Due to the processing and transmission of data generated on the drone (no server on the drone, fast internet and short response time required – V2V, V2G, V2X), 5G came to the fore, as it is necessary for basic communication and will be essential for the operation of BVLOS in the future. The construction and maintenance of 5G base stations, as well as their sensory measurements (what a health impact they have), are also performed with drones. For drones, 5G will be the basic channel, as it will be part of the base infrastructure.