Since the establishment of our company, one of our main missions has been to promote the development of electronic communication networks, which serve as the foundation for all information and communication services. Our goal is to assist industry stakeholders in navigating technological shifts and developments, from resource creation to the operation and management of functioning network segments. In addition, our clients utilize our services for strategic decision-making and marketing support. We provide services in the following areas:
- Business consulting, planning, strategy development, model building
- Network design, optimization, roll-out planning
- VoIP
- Support for wireless technology investments, frequency advice, RAN sharing
- OpenRAN regulation
- Network endpoint alignment
- Legal, regulatory, and policy analysis
- Engineering and technical design and quality assurance
- Risk assessment and management
- Regulatory compliance
- Mergers and acquisitions support
- Proposal writing and management
- Market research and analysis
- Geospatial representation